Wendy Taylor

Presidents Message

The cog in the wheel is one who holds a minor but most necessary post in a large organization. The cogs who run the Orange County Wine Society are our volunteers.

As a volunteer, I have had the privilege to meet and spend time and work side by side with amazingly wonderful people who, like me, love the OCWS not just for what it can give us, but what we can do to give back and help in the successes of an incredible volunteer organization.

For me, it took just raising a hand to volunteer at the courtyard at the OC Fair 23 years ago and I was hooked. I had so much fun and met so many kind, intelligent, heartwarming and fun-loving people that, most likely, I wouldn’t have crossed paths with in this life. Volunteering hasn’t always been fun, since I have the tendency, like many of us, to raise my hand just a bit too often. But it most certainly has always been fulfilling.

This brings me to the point that the OCWS runs on volunteerism and the old adage that “many hands make for light work.” There are a number of people who have the time to volunteer on a regular basis, but it is also the people who have but a few days or even just hours a year that we would not exist without.

With each new year, OCWS starts planning for the annual major events that make this organization what it is – the Commercial and Home Wine competitions, wine auctions, the Courtyard at the OC Fair and, lest we forget, the numerous other membership events throughout the year. All of these are successful because of volunteers.

One thing you can be assured of is that you will be asked repeatedly to volunteer. Volunteering is not a requirement of membership and solicitation to volunteer does not mean you are obligated. But I promise you, if you have not thrown your hat into the volunteer pool, try it; you will not regret it. You will meet people you otherwise might not meet; you will share stories and laughter; and, I hope, you will find as much enjoyment in volunteering as I have and that your heart will be equally filled.

I urge all of you who can make the time, even for just one hour at an event, to give volunteering a try. It is truly addictive; just ask anyone who has tried it. It is as much a social experience as any event you attend.

John F. Kennedy once said, “Every person can make a difference and every person should try.” I say every member should volunteer at least once and I hope you have as much fun as I do.

Fran Gitsham, President



New Member Mixer

Meet other new members and the OCWS Board of Directors as well as learn more about what the Orange County Wine Society has to offer at the New Member Mixer […]
This post is only available to members.

Notable Recipes March 2023

Oven Braised Veal Stew
with Black Pepper &

2 lb. boneless veal stew meat cut
into 2-inch pieces
¼ tsp. black pepper
2 tsp. kosher salt, divided
1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp. butter
1 Tbsp. olive or canola oil
¾ cup boiling water
2 Tbsp. veal demi-glace (try
2 cups fresh or undrained thawed
frozen pitted cherries
2½ Tbsp. honey
1 cinnamon stick
1 cardamom pod
1 dried bay leaf
1 cup dry red wine (Syrah, Barbara,
Pinot Noir) optional
1 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley
½ package of flat butter noodles


Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place veal pieces in bowl; sprinkle all over with pepper and 1 tsp. salt. Sprinkle with flour and toss to coat. Melt butter with oil in 5 to 6 qt. Dutch oven over high heat. Working in two batches (if necessary), add veal; cook, stirring occasionally, until browned on all sides, 6 to 7 minutes per batch. Transfer veal to a bowl using a slotted spoon; set aside. Pour off drippings from the Dutch oven.

Stir together ¾ cup boiling water and demi-glace mixture, cherries, honey, cinnamon, cardamom bay leaf and optional red wine to Dutch oven; bring to a boil over high heat, scraping bottom and sides of oven to loosen browned bits. Reduce heat to medium low; cover and simmer 10 minutes. Uncover; nestle veal in the cherry mixture.

Cover and roast in preheated oven until veal is very tender, about 90 minutes. Remove and discard cinnamon, cardamom and bay leaf. Stir in remaining 1 tsp. salt. Sprinkle with parsley and serve immediately over noodles.

Optional Thickening

Deglaze the stew. Pour veal and cherry stew into a bowl through a sieve. Place veal and cherry mixture in a bowl and set aside. Return the sauce to the Dutch oven and add ½ cup heavy cream. Heat over medium heat until the sauce has thickened, 10-15 minutes. Return veal, cherry mixture to the sauce and reheat over medium heat 10 minutes.

Make Ahead

Stew can be made up to three days ahead; let cool then cover and refrigerate. Reheat gently over medium.

Oven Braised Veal Stew with Black Pepper & Cherries recipe courtesy Barb White. Got something delicious to share? Please send your recipes to George Cravens at george@ocws.org for possible publication on the OCWS

Future Investment: Where Are They Now?

Scholarship Success – Story by Greg Risling

In a state overflowing with an abundance of wine, who doesn’t dream of dipping their toes in the world of winemaking?

For Robert Huff, that aspiration became reality thanks, in some small measure, to a $1,200 scholarship from the Orange County Wine Society.

Huff, 39, was studying at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, trying to cover his tuition and other expenses while splitting his time between school and working part time at a restaurant. Fortunately, he was awarded an OCWS scholarship that helped him graduate in 2017 with a degree in wine and viticulture.

“I was willing to learn whatever I could,” Huff says. “At Cal Poly SLO, I built a good base of wine research and how to solve problems, which has been helpful in my career. I learned in the winemaking industry there is no one size that fits all.”

Every year, OCWS awards scholarships at eight California colleges to aspiring students studying enology, viticulture, wine marketing or culinary arts.

The Santa Rosa native went on to work at esteemed Pinot Noir producer Kosta Browne, where he landed one of two prized internship positions out of a pool of 17 applicants. There, he learned the tools of the trade, eventually becoming cellar master, where he dabbled with high-end fruit and had the freedom to experiment.

For the past two years, Huff has been with Marine Layer Wines, a Sonoma winery that focuses on Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. He now serves as assistant winemaker, running a 350-ton production facility.

Huff also has been afforded a side project: Joseph-Jibril Wines. Using both Huff and partner’s Jaam Moynihan’s middle names, they have been blessed to make their own wine. Their first vintage was a 2021 carbonic Pinot Noir and a 2021 Rose of Pinot Noir.

Jaam Moynihan (left) and Robert Huff take a break from production of their Joseph-Jibril Wines.

This year they plan to add an organic Chardonnay and Cabernet Franc to their portfolio.

Huff realizes he is fortunate to do what he loves the most and has some parting advice for those who want to be part of a flourishing industry and may need to rely on scholarships like the ones OCWS provides.

“Do your research and find the curriculum that has the most to offer,” he says. “Exploring all your options is helpful and putting in that little bit of extra work – especially finding available scholarships – will help you in the long run.”

To date, OCWS has awarded more than $740,000 through its scholarship program. In 2022, OCWS gave nearly $30,000 to eight institutions.

President’s Message

“Where there is love, there is life” – Mahatma Gandhi

February is that time when we all instinctively think of “love” in one way or the other. Some of us celebrate with flowers, chocolates and champagne. Some think of loves lost and raise a glass in gratitude and celebration of precious memories. Some think of loves who have never been and dream that they are still yet to come.

Valentine’s Day and the thought of love has been ingrained in us from the time we were old enough to go to school, our moms making sure we made enough cards so as to not exclude anyone in the class.

Valentine’s Day is a part of our culture, from our earliest days of homemade cards to extraordinarily expensive Hallmark cards to Hallmark movies that now look to bring love to every season of the year. Love comes in many ways to warm hearts.

In the case of the OCWS, love also comes in many forms and faces. People may initially join for the love of wine but, more often than not, I see people who just love life overall and extend that love to others. I have seen marriages and life-long friendships formed within the organization and have had the privilege of sharing more happiness than I could have ever imagined and, unfortunately, more sadness than I would have liked with people whose bonds have formed over that initial love of wine.

I have never met a less-than-loving heart within the OCWS. The people, and their loving hearts, is what has made the OCWS successful. The continuing success of the organization, in my mind, comes second only to the people who make our organization successful year after year.

I, for one, am grateful and my heart is warmed by the love I see in each and every member who crosses my path, whether their love be for each other or in the form of passion for a project, or as is usually the case, both. I LOVE that my path in life has brought me to the OCWS and wish that each of you experience passions that make your heart happy and many people for you to love and be loved by every day of the year!

—Fran Gitsham, President

Attention Commercial Wine Competition Volunteers

We are headed toward the 47th Commercial Competition this year, which will be held June 3-4 at the Hilton Hotel in Costa Mesa. Signups will begin in March online, same as in previous years.

We understand that these are ever-changing times and conditions, so please be flexible and we can work together to make this another fun, successful event. There are many areas where volunteer help is needed such as stewarding and glass washing and drying. In an effort to continue our level of experience and efficiency, the Data Input and Scoring Verification teams will again be pre-assigned positions.

A sign-up form will be posted on the website that identifies stewarding days, bagging nights and other work parties with times and dates. In order to qualify for stewarding, you are required to sign up for two additional work parties, which can be bagging or moving wine to and from the competition site and includes sorting. The Ribbon Mailing crew also will be pre-assigned.

We definitely need your support for our work parties to run a successful competition. The good news is that we will have hired help for heavy lifting. No training is necessary as newer members will be teamed with competition veterans.

A quick reminder: If you volunteer to steward, you will be required to carry trays of glasses. It’s physical and can get tiring. Along with stewarding, you need to be prepared to assist your Steward Captain with opening wine bottles, preparing glasses for tags and cleaning up the judges’ tables as needed, while listening to your Steward Captain for direction.

If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at (562) 822-3382 or email me at strompharms@earthlink.net.

We look forward to your participation in this very important event. Thank you.

—Robyn Strom, Volunteer Coordinator

Notable Recipes

OCWS member Elee Phillips made the popular Cranberry, Brie and Pancetta Bites for the Winemakers Goup’s Christmas Party in December. By all accounts, it was a real hit.

“Baked brie is one of my—and many of my friends’—favorite appetizers,” Elee says. “But I wanted something different and easier to serve to a crowd. That’s when I came across the recipe on the Well Plated by Erin website.

The original recipe called for roasted pecans and rosemary sprigs and since Elee is allergic to nuts and “can’t stand biting into little leaves of rosemary,” she came up with an alternative—pancetta!

Cranberry, Brie and Pancetta Bites


1 sheet puff pastry

1 small round brie cheese

8 oz. cranberry orange sauce (I used this recipe: but you can use any jam

2 slices pancetta (approx. 1/8” thick)



PREHEAT oven to 375°; spray mini muffin tin with cooking spray.

ROLL OUT and cut sheet of puff pastry into 24 2” squares.

PRESS one square into each muffin cup.

CUT brie in half horizontally and dice the one half into about ½” cubes.

PLACE one cube in each cup.

DICE pancetta into small (approx. 1/8”) cubes.

SAUTEE small cubes in 1 tsp. of oil until crisp; drain on paper towel and wait until cool.

SCOOP 1 tsp. cranberry sauce into each cup (I use a small melon baller).

SPRINKLE pancetta over each cup.

BAKE for 18-20 minutes or until pastry is golden brown. Serve and enjoy!

Got something delicious to share? Please send your recipes to George Cravens at george@ocws.org for possible publication on the OCWS website.

Silverado Success

Just past the one-time mining outpost of Silverado, you will find Jim Kerins, who knows how to strike gold in the world of home winemaking.

Kerins, an Orange County Wine Society member for nearly a decade, moved from Costa Mesa to the rugged canyon five years ago, in part, to pursue his passion of producing clean, natural and – of course – delicious wine. Making vino runs in his blood; his great-grandfather was Portuguese and he also had tried his
hand at oenology.

His home sits on 2/3 of an acre and abuts Silverado Creek. Kerins has converted his garage into a wine laboratory of sorts where part is devoted to the process and another section is home to his nine-barrel cellar.

The barrels are American, Hungarian and French and hold different varietals including Tempranillo, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Cabernet and Primitivo. Kerins opines that American barrels are the best because they tend to have caramel and vanilla notes and lend a creamy finish to his wine.

To visit Kerins is not just about the journey but to also partake in his creation. The proof can be found among the 800 bottles he corked last year – there are only 40 that remain.

Winemaking “is the universal language of beauty, goodness and truth,” he says. “It’s about sharing it with the next generation and your family and friends.”

Kerins has been rewarded for his efforts. His 2021 Tempranillo won Best of Show at this year’s OC Fair Home Wine Competition and he has racked up six Double Gold medals the past two years.

His wine rack houses only 60 bottles – only two are not his. His cellar isn’t about the collection but more so about his passion for winemaking and ensuring that he shares that joy with others.

Kerins also planted 48 Tempranillo and Syrah vines on his property and expects his first harvest next season.
“The most rewarding part is to taste the wine daily and see how it evolves over time,” Kerins says. “I understand what wine style I like – one that gives involuntary salivation. I believe the best wine in the world can be made in six months as the sulfate-free Tempranillo Best of Show proves.”

If you have a cellar you would like featured in The Wine Press or know of another OCWS member who has a unique or Stellar Cellar, please email us at editor@ocws.org.

President’s Message

By Fran Gitsham

Every new year brings changes and the OCWS is no exception. We are an ever-evolving organization and changing with the times is a most necessary part of the success of the organization. We are so fortunate to have volunteers with amazing hearts who bring their talents to the group year in and year out.

Each person who has devoted themselves in one way or another and has lent their areas of expertise over the years has played an integral part in the past, the present and in setting the foundation of the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank an incredibly special volunteer who has dedicated herself in a quiet, behind-the-scenes capacity.

Kudos, standing ovations and tons of thanks go out to Linda Mihalik, who single-handedly created and elevated The Wine Press, our online monthly newsletter, month after month for the past five years. Her attention to detail, creative nature and never faltering enthusiasm brought life to the publication. She kept us informed and entertained, and managed to serve a full term on the board of directors during this time.

Although it is time for Linda to step down as editor, she will still
be an active member of the OCWS while exploring other exciting adventures in her life. THANK YOU to an amazing woman with a heart of gold for lending your hand, your heart and your talents to the OCWS!

Linda has chosen to hand over the reins of The Wine Press to Cathy and Greg Risling, a dynamic duo who will be bringing their areas of expertise to further the future of the publication. I, for one, am extremely excited to read The Wine Press under their caring hands and hearts. Thank you Rislings!

I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year with hopes that our paths will cross often, while sharing wine, laughs and love.