President's Message

President’s Message

10 Ways To Be Happier

People ask me why I volunteer as much as I do and I always reply because it makes me happy. I just recently read an article on WebMD about 15 ways to be happier and as I ticked each one off the list, I realized that 10 of them had me immediately thinking about the OCWS and how it makes me happy. I hope you all say the same.

  1. Slap on a Smile – How can you not smile and be happy when your paths cross with so many warm-hearted, fun-loving people who like to laugh, hug and drink good wine?
  2. Volunteer – Well, that’s a slam dunk. It’s what it’s all about for many of us.
  3. Make New Friends – There’s always someone new joining and attending functions. These are the people that fuel my enthusiasm because they’re seeing the organization through new eyes and realizing all the fun yet to be had.
  4. Count Your Blessings – How much more blessed can we be than to be doing something kind and giving in raising scholarship funds while having a ball? Enough said!
  5. Break a Sweat – Anyone who has volunteered at an OCWS event knows this goes with the territory.
  6. Forgive and Forget – No one sees things the same way and often times, in the running of the organization and associated events, people butt heads; however, the negativity never lasts for long because love abounds and always wins out.
  7. Turn on Some Tunes – Attending the Spring and Fall events and the Holiday Dinner Dance fits this bill as evidenced by the full dance floor from start to finish with attendees dancing to a much loved band (“Break a Sweat” equally applies here).
  8. Get the ZZZ’s You Need – All I know is that I sleep beautifully after an OCWS event, as I’ve eaten, drank, danced, schmoozed, and gone home really satiated, having enjoyed fun with incredibly wonderful people.
  9. Remember Your Why – If you’re reading this, you know why you joined and why you stay a member. For me, it fills my heart with fun and love.
  10. Seek Positive People – If there was one prerequisite to being a member of the OCWS, in my mind it would be this. Positivity abounds throughout the organization at every turn and it’s a high I love being on!

I have always said that the Orange County Wine Society to me is a microcosm of what the world should be. We have members of all ages, races, religions, and sexual orientation, and no one sees any differences. They just see good people, with wonderful loving hearts and appreciate everyone for what they bring to the party … whether it be as a full-time volunteer or a social attendee to events. If only the world could be more like us!

Sending love to you all, with hopes for more peace in the world.

– Fran Gitsham, President

Courtyard Members Corner

Just When We Thought Things Were Going Back to Normal …

Another Wrench Is Thrown Into The Workings! It is not up to us as to the guidelines we are required to follow by the OCFEC in order to hold The Courtyard at the OC Fair each year. This year, we’ve been thrown for a loop wherein TIPS training is concerned. As most of you know, […]

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Mini Tastings

2022 Syrah/Petite Sirah Mini-Tasting Wrap Up

The March Mini-Tasting featured six Syrahs, three from California and one each from France, Australia, and Chile, along with four Petite Sirahs from California. There were seven host sites throughout the county.

The Macchia Rebellious Petite Sirah from Lodi, CA was the overwhelming favorite, placing First at four sites, Second at two, and Third at the final site. Second place was Bellante’s Watch Hill Vineyard Syrah from Santa Barbara County. Third was Chronic Cellars Suite Petite Petite Sirah from Paso Robles, Ca.

The four favorite wines across the seven host sites:

In addition, attendees brought a delicious dish to share and then voted on a Chef of the Evening. The results of the Chef of the Evening at each host site are:

  • Hosts Tina & B.J. Fornadley: Tina Fornadley – Asian Style Pulled Pork
  • Hosts Julie Good: Julie Good – Ribs
  • Hosts Pam & Bill Oneida: Alice Polser – BBQ Beans
  • Hosts Greg & Cathy Risling: Elee & Don Phillips –  Pork Loin with Red Wine and Plum Sauce (with Poached Plums)
  • Hosts Pat & Frank Solis: Jim Burk – Boeuf Bourguignon
  • Hosts Beverly Genis & Bob Topham: Barbara Greenfield – Pork Loin
  • Hosts Barb & Dave White: Kim & Sam Clark – Slow Cooker Pumpkin Pecan Pudding with Whisky Sauce

The detail scores by site will be posted on the OCWS website. Congratulations to all the winners! A big Thank You to the Hosts! Please send your recipes to George Cravens at for possible publications the website.

– George Cravens, Director

Members Corner

A Trip Around the World Must Always Include Wine!

Our world cruise adventure continues. Since the beginning of March, our travels on the Viking Star have had us in or near the Mediterranean with only three stops on the European continent but mostly island hopping. Three notable islands were Sardinia of Italy, Malta and Corfu of Greece. Notable because these three islands, in the Med, produce some excellent wines.

Side note, we also experienced some wonderful Madeira, from the Portuguese Island of that name, as well as Sherry from the Spanish island of Mallorca. But you don’t want to hear about that, do you? Well, maybe another time. For now, let me tell you of these wonderful island-grown wines.

Now of course, we of OCWS are very familiar with mainland Italian varietals and blends, but I cannot recall any Italian wines found in California coming from Sardinia. We docked on the southern port of Cagliari and travelled inland a bit where our tour/tasting group pulled into a winery known simply as Argiolas. This is a very large family-run winery that has its origins in the early 1900s. Antonio Argiolas, the patriarch, built it up over the years and ran it with his two sons until his passing at the age of 102. There must be truth to the belief that drinking red wine protects you from diseases and will extend your life. Today, it is run by the third generation of Argiolas, three grandchildren!

After a tour of the winery by our very friendly guide, Giulia, we were hosted by the winery to enjoy their wines along with an assortment of cheeses and breads. It was not only a great experience, but the wines were fantastic. We were offered two whites and two reds, all DOC and all made from grapes grown in the family vineyards on Sardinia.

The two whites were labelled as S’Elegas made from a local varietal known as Nuragus di Cagliari (it’s a good thing I took a brochure or I would never have spelled this correctly)! Of the whites, this was my personal favorite. Manuela, on the other hand, preferred Costamolino, made from the local variety of Vermentino, a varietal that I am sure you are familiar with.

The two reds were Pedera and Cosera. Pedera was made from the Monica di Sardegna, a popular grape on the island and had a unique but excellent flavor. The Costera came from the Cannonau di Sardegna, which I learned later is the Italian name for Grenache and tasted very much like a California Grenache. It is also the most widely grown in Sardinia. Both of these were excellent, though I favored the Cannonau. These wines are available in the United States!

Our next stop was Malta. Malta has a long political history changing hands in ownership from England to Turkey. Malta gained its independence from England in 1964, but they still drive their vehicles on the wrong side, I mean the left side, of the road. Malta is located south of Sicily, the lights of which can be seen on a clear night, and it has two official languages – Maltese and English. And before I get into the winemaking, Malta is a beautiful island country that should be on your bucket list. The incredible vast limestone block structures that fortify the small cities and dominate the Old Town areas are unlike anywhere else.

Perhaps you know all this, but what was surprising to me is that Malta has a thriving local wine production.

Once again, our tour group took to the road, making a trip to the Marsovin Wine Cellars in the port city of Valletta. This winery was established in 1919 and, surprisingly, was created out of a vessel storage and repair facility located within an easy reach of the Mediterranean Sea. For over a hundred years, this winery has been owned and operated by the same family starting with the brothers Cassar. But when one of the brothers dropped out, the business stayed with Anthony Cassar, then later his son, and then on to the grandchildren. Our tour was conducted by one of those grandchildren, Stephan Cassar, who clearly knew well the history and operation of the Marsovin Wine Cellars. We were shown the sparkling winemaking process in particular. Of note, 2019 was the 100th anniversary of Marsovin and had been celebrated in style with a special vintage that was hand prepared and bottled.

After the tour of the cellars, we were than treated to a taste of some of the wines, all made from Maltese-grown grapes, coming from either the island of Malta or Gozo, largest of the other Maltese islands. There were two white varietals by names I could not repeat. But one of the reds we tried that stood out was the Ulysses Shiraz.

In the local stores and restaurants, you could find Marsovin. In fact, later, we enjoyed a glass of Marsovin’s local reds while observing a traditional 4 pm canon salute from the nearby military batteries. Excellent!

A third Mediterranean island that makes very good wine is the Greek island of Corfu. Unlike Sardinia and Malta, which are quite some distance from the continental mainland, this island is right up against mainland Greece. In fact, it was within sight of the snow-covered Albanian mountain range to the east. We did not have a formal wine tour here, but the locally produced wine was everywhere. We tried a few at local cafés and found the wines to be excellent, particularly the whites. The photo above shows a store display in Corfu that presented only Corfu-grown varietals, with a few from mainland Greece. I could list some of the varietal names, but instead, I encourage you to come here – or to any of these wonderful Mediterranean locations – and discover some of remarkable regional wines on your own. Our trip continues for eight more weeks.

– W. Scott Harral, Contributing Writer


Commercial Competition Courtyard

Earn OC Fair Drink Tickets Redeemable at The Courtyard this Year

Help us get new wineries registered for the 2022 OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition!

On March 17, the Orange County Wine Society sent you an email entitled: “2022 OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition – Help Us Get the word out …”

Here are the easy steps for you to take to earn extra drink tickets:

  1. Forward the email mentioned above to your favorite wineries that have not signed up for the Competition before; and
  2. Make sure to blind copy Liz Corbett ( on your emails so that we can give you credit when they sign up.

If your winery enters their wines in this year’s Competition (and they are new to our Competition), you will be rewarded with additional drink tickets during the OC Fair. Your efforts will also be recognized in the OCWS Wine Press newsletter.

Thank you for supporting the OCWS and getting the word out about the OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition which is the largest competition of wines from California grown grapes.

Questions, contact Liz at the above email address.

– Liz Corbett,
2022 Commercial Wine Competition Administrator

Members Corner

Hotel Reservations for Commercial Wine Competition

If you plan on staying at the Costa Mesa Hilton Hotel for the weekend of the Commercial Wine Competition please make reservations no later than May 20, 2022. The OCWS has booked a block of rooms for OCWS members at a discounted rate and this rate is guaranteed only until that date.  The special rate […]

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