Members Corner

President’s Message

By Carolyn Christian

It is hard to believe that we are in the third month of the year already. In my President’s Message this month, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize many of the unsung heroes of the Orange County Wine Society. Most of you are familiar with our nine board members who oversee our events and programming, but there are also many others who work on events and committees, deserving recognition.

In preparation for the Wine Auction coming up next month, a group of dedicated volunteers under the direction of former president and board member Bill Redding, are working each week to pull over 1,000 lots of wine for you to bid on. That’s over 4,000 bottles of wine! Assisting in these efforts is Kevin Coy, who serves as our cellarmaster.

If you are reading this article, then you are experiencing The Wine Press, our monthly newsletter put together expertly by Greg and Cathy Risling. They are continuing a great tradition that began in the 1980s. Hats off to them for wrangling content and articles from the many individuals who contribute to each issue.

A shout out to our photographer Jim Burk, who attends events with his camera in tow. In addition to taking photos of our events, he also chairs the photography committee, which decides the monthly winner for the photo contest. If you haven’t entered any of your wine-related photos yet, you should really consider doing so.

The OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition Committee started work on the 2025 edition a few months ago, and they too put in many hours to make our competition one of the largest in the nation. Fran Gitsham oversees the competition crew, and my heartfelt thanks goes out to her and everyone on her team for the work they do almost year-round to maintain our flagship event.

Another group of warriors who puts in thousands of hours each year are the cataloguing crew under the direction of Teri and John Lane. Without them, we would not have a Commercial Wine Competition.

A few years ago, I started developing a marketing team to help promote our organization and it has grown significantly over the years. Our organization has so many members with years of experience in their respective fields. I call the team the “Marketing Mavens” and this group works behind the scenes drafting e-blasts and social media posts, creating marketing materials like brochures and postcards and developing new ways to promote the OCWS and all that we do. I send a special personal thank you to all of them for helping us promote our brand.

From the membership committee comes the new OCWS Friends Program. Headed by Alice Polser, this program will pair seasoned OCWS members with new members to help them feel more comfortable at events. I am really excited about the possibilities with this program. Look for more information over the next few months.

When I first joined the OCWS in 1986, our office was constantly buzzing with activity. Over the last several years, we have moved online for many of our functions and meetings. But one constant is our office and paid staff who keep the organization running smoothly. A big thank you to our staff: Lynda Edwards and Rochelle Randel, who keep us organized and handle the day-to-day operations; Charles English, who helps keep our finances in order and Wendy Taylor, who manages our website and online presence.  A special thank you to Stacey Taylor, who has helped us with website upgrades and special projects over the past few years.

The Winemakers’ Group can be credited with starting the OCWS back in 1976. Thanks to Ed Reyes, who has been heading this group for the past few years. They carry on the great tradition of mentoring new winemakers and making some great wines. If you have any interest in making wine, check out their events and classes, or just reach out to them for information and assistance on making wine.

There are literally hundreds of volunteers and without them we would not exist. I have only mentioned a few here, but please know that I see and appreciate each one of you. I am always thrilled at each event to see the level of commitment and pride each one of you has in this organization. We’ve been going for 49 years, and you, our volunteers, are the reason why.

The number of volunteer opportunities with OCWS is endless. Consider volunteering at one of our events for set-up, check-in, pouring wine or clean-up. We have dozens of volunteer opportunities for our larger events as well. The Wine Auction, OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition, OC Fair Home Wine Competition and The Courtyard at the OC Fair have both active and sedentary volunteer positions. These events provide unique experiences to learn more about wine, meet OCWS members and winemakers and share in the organization’s success.

To volunteer for an event, please check the event articles posted online for instructions on how to volunteer or contact the event chair.

I look forward to seeing you at one of our future events. Cheers to you all!

Members Corner

OCWS Scholarship: 2025 Scholarship Allocations

OCWS is excited to announce the 2025 scholarship donations in the amount of $49,507. These funds were awarded to the eight programs listed in the table below. This year’s donations raised the total amount awarded since 1981 to over $940,000. 

The scholarship funds come from a variety of sources, including tips at The Courtyard, OCWS Wine Auction, the Featured Winery Program, judges’ stipend and member donations. We thank our members for their support and hard work that made the scholarships possible.

University/CollegeProgramSchool Total
Allan Hancock (AHC)Viticulture and Enology$5,777.00
Cal Poly PomonaAgricultural Science$5,725.00
Cal Poly SLOWine and Viticulture$6,225.00
CSU FresnoViticulture and Enology$5,725.00
Orange Coast CollegeCulinary Arts$5,825.00
UC DavisViticulture and Enology$8,750.00
Napa Valley CollegeViticulture & Winery Technology$5,725.00
CSU Sonoma/CunninghamWine Business$5,755.00

Just a friendly reminder that you can make a donation to the OCWS Scholarship Fund anytime.  There are two ways to donate:

  1. Mail a check – Complete your check using the same instructions as above, and mail it to the OCWS office at OCWS, P.O. Box 11059, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Attn: Scholarship Fund. A donation letter will be sent to you.
  2. Donate Online – Logon to your account at and go to the scholarship donation page: You can make your donation online and print a receipt for tax purposes at the same time.

—Damian Christian, OCWS Scholarship Chair

Members Corner

Taste & Tour at AHC

By Damian J. Christian and Kevin Coy

Last September, about a dozen OCWS members had the good fortune of visiting the Allan Hancock College Winery in Santa Maria to deliver their Best of Class Award from the 2024 OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition.

The community college is almost like no other as it is one of the few in California that has a winery right on campus. The school’s viticulture and enology program has a working commercial production facility and a four-acre vineyard. Professor Alfredo Koch and his staff and students provided insight into the program, which aims to teach the fundamentals of winemaking to those who may play an integral part in one of the most recognizable industries in California.

The OCWS group tasted more than two dozen grape varieties from Muscat to Cabernet Sauvignon to Syrah that came right off the vines. Koch explained some of the characteristics of each grape and what we could tell from the different sugar levels of each varietal. We learned a lot from this experience, and it was one of the highlights of the trip. 

We then returned to the winemaking facility where they prepared a delicious lunch accompanied by several of the college’s wines. After lunch, we presented a Best of Class Award to Dr. Koch and winery manager Kelsie Norris for their 2022 Pinot Noir Rosé. Some of the students who participated in making the wine also were present.

In the afternoon, we attended a class on viticulture where Dr. Koch reviewed different winemaking techniques and had the students identify particular steps to achieve their winemaking goals. Each OCWS member in attendance also talked to the class about the various aspects of OCWS from competitions to scholarships. Our presentations were well received with several students asking pertinent questions. After the class, the students returned to the winemaking facility to continue their work and we returned to the winery to purchase some of their wines. 

It was a very enjoyable and educational experience, and we look forward to having additional winery visits in the future.

Members Corner

President’s Message

Carolyn Christian

With January behind us, we are looking forward to a more uplifting year. I have been devastated by the agonizing loss of life and property in Los Angeles yet touched by the many human stories of resiliency and community coming together to heal. It is times like this that remind me how fortunate we are to have a close-knit community of members for support.  I hope you and your family members are doing as well. I am both humbled and honored to lead this amazing organization and in awe of its 49-year history.

January Events

                Our January events were very successful, from the fourth of our Vintage Member Luncheons to the Bushong Winery Program featuring owner Jason Bushong and his amazing wines and artwork. Some OCWS members gathered at Union Station to experience Uncorked L.A., while others enjoyed a tour and tasting at the historic Galleano Winery. The Varietal Hours this month focused on the blending of education and fun with their Orange Wine and Grocery Store Wine themes.

February Events

February is the month dedicated to LOVE, and nothing says LOVE like wine! This month promises to be another great month for OCWS events that you will just LOVE – with a winery program from award-winning Korbel Champagne Cellars and Bubbles ’n’ Brunch at Citrus City Grille. The latter event is already sold out. We highly recommend calling the OCWS office to be put on the waitlist for our sold-out events, as we do have cancellations and try to accommodate as many people as possible. And everyone is always welcome to participate in our Tuesday evening Varietal Hours via Zoom. 

Future Events

                We have dozens of upcoming events beyond February, but they do sell out, so please check the newsletter for information on future events and sign up on our website as early as possible.

                Future events include more Winery Programs (through May), a Mini-Tasting on March 1, the Wine Auction on April 19 and the Spring Social on May 3. Follow The Wine Press each month for additional events, activities and volunteer opportunities throughout the year.

                For those who want to try their hand at making wine, the Winemakers’ Group provides education, equipment and guidance on making your own wine as well as potluck quarterly meetings and other activities.

                Details for all the events mentioned above can be found in this newsletter and on our website at (logon required). Trouble logging on? Please contact our office for assistance.

Volunteer Opportunities

Our organization is more than just attending fun wine events. We are an all-volunteer organization that puts on these incredible wine events.  On behalf of the OCWS, I would like to thank everyone who contributes their time to the organization each year. A list of those who received volunteer awards this past year are posted on our website:

The number of volunteer opportunities with OCWS are endless. Consider volunteering at one of our events for set-up, check-in, pouring wine or clean-up. We have dozens of volunteer opportunities for our larger events as well. The Wine Auction, OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition, OC Fair Home Wine Competition and The Courtyard at the OC Fair have both active and sedentary volunteer positions. These events provide unique experiences to learn more about wine, meet OCWS members and winemakers and share in the organization’s success.

                To volunteer for an event, please check the event articles posted online for instructions on how to volunteer or contact the event chair.


It is important to stay informed of our upcoming events. We communicate with our membership through Constant Contact, with the announcement of our monthly newsletter, weekly upcoming event reminders and emails on specific events. If you are not receiving these announcements, please check your spam folder or contact our office for assistance. While your logon to our website is only available using the primary member’s email, our e-blasts are sent to both members and co-members if we have emails for each one on file. Please log on to your OCWS account to check your member and co-member emails listed in your profile.

                We look forward to seeing you at one of our future events. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

Members Corner

Chefs of the Evening – and the winner is…

The magic of the Mini-Tastings is about the combination of great camaraderie, great food and great wine. Once again our Chef’s of the Evening did their part and delivered an assortment of delicious culinary creations that were recognized by the attendees from each host site. Congratulations to all!

Hank & Chris Bruce
Aimee Hallinan
Butternut Stuffed Shells

Mark & Jody Theissen
Jody Theissen
Moroccan Harissa Soup

Stephanie D’Jang & Daniel Vlahovic
Pamela Clauss
Dish: Beef, Carrots and Mushrooms
in Wine Sauce

Carolyn & Damien Christian
Kevin Donnelly
Shepards Pie
Craig Stark
Sous Vide Tri-Tip

Jay & Betty Joe Newell
Frances Cravens
Port Wine Chocolate Cupcakes

Greg & Cathy Risling
Cathy Risling
Mediterranean Chicken Pasta

Members Corner

To Wine or Not to Wine, that is the question

The words “grape juice” caught my attention as I read about “Verjus.” Then, because I read that Verjus is non-alcoholic, I thought about the CNN article I recently read about “Dry January.”  Then, because of the cooking aspects of “Verjus,” memories of “Mirin” raced through my mind. So what do Verjus, Dry January and Mirin […]

This article is only available to members. Please LOGIN HERE to access this article.
Members Corner

Renewals Required to Volunteer at OC Fair

This year, OCWS members
who received their Responsible
Beverage Server (RBS) certification in
2022 to volunteer at The Courtyard
during the OC Fair will need
to be recertified if they wish to
participate for this year’s fair.
You will receive an email
from ABC (Alcohol Beverage
Control) informing you that your
certification is about to expire, and
you will have 60 days to renew it.
The recertification process is
identical to obtaining your initial
certification—taking the course
and passing the ABC test. Once you
receive the email, please notify Sue
England at that
you received your renewal notice
and are ready to take the course.
If you haven’t volunteered at
The Courtyard before and would
like to participate, please email
OCWS director Sue England
at for further
RBS Certification

Members Corner

On the Right Path

By Greg Risling

Take one look at Denae Prosser’s artwork and you can feel the warmth, exuberance and joy jumping off the canvas.

You might not be familiar with this budding artist but chances are you have seen her designs, most notably the Best of Show winner in the 2024 OC Fair Home Wine Label Competition.

“It was shocking,” Prosser said of earning the highest award.  “Sometimes you win stuff, but I was like ‘what?’ I was very happy to win.”

What makes the award even more special and heartfelt is Prosser is part of a unique program that provides vocational life skills to people with special needs. Based in Fallbrook, D’Vine Path gives adults living with disabilities the opportunity to handcraft meals, help make wine or design floral bouquets.

D’Vine Path, nestled on eight acres in Fallbrook, was named California’s Nonprofit of the Year in 2024. The organization was founded in 2019 by Executive Director Lenila Batali whose adult daughter has autism. Over the past six years, the program has aided dozens of students obtain specialized skills they need in the workplace. Nearly three-quarters of participants have found part-time or full-time employment.

“They are learning, growing and being empowered,” Batali said. “That is what they are doing every day and we have so much fun. As a parent, all you want is for them to be productive and to have friends and they are getting that here.”

Spend a couple of hours at the Fallbrook farm and winery and you are immersed and amazed by the creativity and work ethic. On this particular day, Prosser and her fellow classmates are busy with their latest portraits. Prosser said she likes a lot of color in her pieces and plays with the palette for inspiration.

The Best of Show-winning label is a vibrant sunset sinking into an ocean of rolling waves. In some of her other artwork, she likes to hide the face of Jesus or the cross somewhere for people to find. In another illustration, she has a couple in France with a poodle holding glasses of wine.

She also done comic books and has hopes of designing game boards. Students can turn their hobby into a profitable venture as half of the money raised through sales of their artwork goes back to them and the other half goes to D’Vine Path.

There are four paths for students: art, the farm and garden program, culinary arts and the trellis viticulture program.

Chris Miller, an enology specialist and former OCWS member, oversees the viticulture program. Miller has been

making wine for about 12 years and worked with the Batali family who has their own vineyards.

D’Vine’s has about 360 vines that makes six varietals, including Albarino, Barbera, Durif and Grenache. Students get equal time in the classroom and the vineyard to understand the intricacies of how wine is made. There is a great pride in taking part in the process – one student says, “when I assist in making wine, I feel essential.”

“You see how enthusiastic they are about learning the process,” Miller said. “They are very meticulous and they want to make the wine perfect. We work on building up their speed because with winemaking there are timelines to meet.”

Students also are prepped for being interviewed for jobs. One of D’Vine Path’s first students went on to work at Wilson Creek Winery and others have found jobs or internships at local wineries or restaurants.

Batali said she hopes one day that D’Vine can be a destination spot where visitors can enjoy handmade meals and wine infused with love and care. For now, much like the vines they tend, the organization is deeply rooted in helping individuals with disabilities be the best version of themselves as D’Vine continues to flourish and grow.

“The most rewarding part is seeing the students give tours – they have such pride,” she said. “Once you step onto the property, no one has a disability. We are all equal.”

Members Corner

Presidents’ Message

by Carolyn Christian

Welcome to the start of what promises to be a great year for our organization. As we enter our 49th year as an organization, we should be proud of the legacy we have established. From our humble beginnings starting with a group of home winemakers to a group that boasts over 1,000 wine enthusiasts (including our winemaker group), we have a truly resilient organization that has grown and remained stable over the past several decades.  

Wrapping Up 2024

            2024 has been a very busy year with the usual OCWS events and some new ones as well, including the Wine Defect Identification Workshop, Vintage Member Luncheons and Volunteer Recognition Reception. We had several amazing holiday events that ended 2024 on a high note. The annual Holiday Dinner Dance on December was followed by a Holiday Mini-Tasting at members’ homes on December 14. The holiday festivities wrapped up with the Winemakers’ Group Holiday Potluck at the Eastlake Village Community Center. Overall, we have had a very successful year.

Thank you to Event Leadership

I would personally like to thank the OCWS Board of Directors and other non-board members who have stepped up to chair events this past year. Please take a moment to review the Responsibilities List on our website to see who oversees our various events. These are the individuals who help keep this organization running smoothly.


In the coming year, we have many exciting events in store for our members. Our long-standing winery programs run from January to May and our Bubbles ‘n’ Brunch/Dine with Wine events are sprinkled throughout the year.

There are also several mini-tastings where members blind taste 10 wines at fellow members’ homes. We also hold new member mixers to greet those fledgling oenophiles.

At the OC Fairgrounds, there are an abundance of events, whether it’s the Spring and Fall socials, the Wine Auction and of course The Courtyard at the OC Fair, which runs from July 18 to August 17.

Our biggest flagship events are the OC Fair Commercial and Home Wine competitions that occur during late May and early-to-mid June.

There is plenty of other options that will suit your style from private tastings at local wineries to educational seminars.

All-Volunteer Organization

I cannot stress enough the importance of our volunteers. Please check out the amazing events being organized for our members’ benefit. Check the newsletter, website and weekly email reminders and sign-up early for our events, including our amazing volunteer opportunities, which you won’t find anywhere else! If you find an event is sold out, please contact our office to be placed on a waiting list. We often have cancellations allowing for those on the waiting list to attend.

In addition to our events, I encourage you to promote the OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition, which we have hosted over the last 49 years, to wineries throughout California. Take printed brochures, send them an email, and remind them that despite the news about the decline in wine sales, OCWS is alive and well, with over 1,000 members who purchase and consume wine on a regular basis.

I look forward to working with you all in 2025 to continue this organization’s amazing journey on our way to our 50th anniversary!

Cheers to you all!

Members Corner

Members Jingle the Night Away

The Holiday Dinner Dance has been an OCWS tradition for decades. It is one of the few events where our members can dress in semi-formal attire and enjoy a gourmet meal and outstanding wines. This year’s event was no exception. Nearly 90 OCWS members gathered at the Avenue of the Arts Hotel in Costa Mesa to enjoy a sparkling wine reception with passed appetizers followed by a sit-down dinner. 

Attendees brought unwrapped toys to support the Cosa Mesa Fire Department’s Spark of Love Toy Drive. Thank you to all who brought toys. A special thank you to members of the fire department who came to the event to pick up the toy donation for less fortunate children in Costa Mesa.

The event would not be complete without The Three 2 Sevens band, which played classic dance tunes from various eras. Attendees danced the night away. We look forward to continuing this OCWS tradition again in December 2025.

Carolyn Chritian, OCWS President