Members Corner

To Wine or Not to Wine, that is the question

The words “grape juice” caught my attention as I read about “Verjus.” Then, because I read that Verjus is non-alcoholic, I thought about the CNN article I recently read about “Dry January.”  Then, because of the cooking aspects of “Verjus,” memories of “Mirin” raced through my mind. So what do Verjus, Dry January and Mirin […]

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The words “grape juice” caught my attention as I read about “Verjus.” Then, because I read that Verjus is non-alcoholic, I thought about the CNN article I recently read about “Dry January.”  Then, because of the cooking aspects of “Verjus,” memories of “Mirin” raced through my mind. So what do Verjus, Dry January and Mirin […]

This article is only available to members. Please LOGIN HERE to access this article.