This year, OCWS members
who received their Responsible
Beverage Server (RBS) certification in
2022 to volunteer at The Courtyard
during the OC Fair will need
to be recertified if they wish to
participate for this year’s fair.
You will receive an email
from ABC (Alcohol Beverage
Control) informing you that your
certification is about to expire, and
you will have 60 days to renew it.
The recertification process is
identical to obtaining your initial
certification—taking the course
and passing the ABC test. Once you
receive the email, please notify Sue
England at that
you received your renewal notice
and are ready to take the course.
If you haven’t volunteered at
The Courtyard before and would
like to participate, please email
OCWS director Sue England
at for further
RBS Certification
Renewals Required to Volunteer at OC Fair