
President’s Message

“Wine and friends are a great blend.” – Ernest Hemingway

 As we roll into March, I am reminded how truly lucky we are as an organization, built on and by volunteers and bound together by our love of wine (and food)! On the one hand, we enjoy wine with loved ones and friends, and on the other hand, we feel strongly about educating people about wine and supporting the California wine industry. They are but two sides of the same lucky coin for us. And this is what makes our organization so unique.

The OC Wine Society has so many types of events, from small gatherings at members’ homes or on Zoom, to larger events such as tastings at hotels, social functions at The Courtyard and wine auctions, to larger public events like the Wine Courtyard at the OC Fair. Each of these events provides us great opportunities to learn about wine, support our scholarship fund, drink and buy wines, and most importantly spend time together!

Volunteers are what make our organization work. It is not easy running an organization with over 1,000 members. And although I proudly lead this organization, I do not do it alone. Behind the scenes are groups of volunteers who keep things running smoothly, from our nine-member board of directors, to official committees that run events, to teams who help with year-round work. There are so many people to thank for their tireless commitment to our organization. Although I don’t have the space to name each and every person, as you read through the newsletter, you will see many of their names and images. You can also find the names of our top volunteers on our website. And next time you are at one of our events, please thank the volunteers you see there.

I invite all of you to volunteer for one or more of our upcoming events.  Doing so will help you get to know other members better, learn more about wine, and even rub elbows with some amazing winemakers.

Here’s a preview of what coming up in the next few months…

Winery Programs –  your chance to meet the winemaker or winery owner and enjoy dinner and a wine tasting at a local hotel – Double Bond Wine (March), San Pasqual Winery (April), San Simeon Wines (April).

Varietal Hours (Every other Monday evening through July) – educational and fun wine tastings via Zoom with informative topics, knowledgeable hosts, and a chance for everyone to share information on what they are drinking. This event goes on hiatus during the OC Fair.

Wine Auction (April) – a great event for a great cause, where you can purchase wine at a fraction of retail.  Tickets include wine and food throughout the event and a chance to bid on great California wines.  Volunteers are needed for this event as well.

Spring Social Event “Let The Good Times Roll” (April) – a celebratory member event with wine, food, music and dancing.

 Pinot Noir Mini-Tasting (April) – an exciting potluck event at members’ homes throughout the OC

 Winemakers’ Events – informative events to help hone your own winemaking skills – Wine Blending Seminar (April), and Kit Wine Class (May).

Bubbles ‘n’ Brunch at the OC Mining Company (May) – a Sunday brunch gathering where members share their favorite bubbly.

OC Fair Commercial and Home Wine Competitions (June) – Our flagship events that make the OCWS such a prestigious organization known throughout California! Please don’t miss your opportunity to volunteer for these amazing competitions!  You won’t regret it.  Preparations begin early for these events.  Watch for eblasts, newsletter announcements and postings on how to get involved!

 Wine Courtyard at the OC Fair (July & August) – Our other claim to fame running the Wine Courtyard for the entire length of the OC Fair with hundreds of volunteers! Make sure you get your RBS certification now and join us behind the counter at the Wine Courtyard!  Volunteering at the Wine Courtyard is one of the best perks of being a member of the OCWS! More information is in this newsletter.

Details for all the events mentioned above can be found in this newsletter and on our website at (logon required).  Trouble logging on?  Please contact our office for assistance.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our future events!  Wishing you all the luck in the world this March!

Sláinte (Cheers)!

Carolyn Christian

“Luck is believing you’re lucky!” – Tennessee Williams