
Help With The Courtyard Set Up, Tear Down, Decorating

Courtyard Set-Up

If you enjoy using power drills and stepladders, and wearing clothes you don’t mind getting grubby, this event is for you. We are already working to get The Courtyard for the OC Fair and you can be a big part of it all too.

Volunteers will be needed to set up over three days to make this special place, which serves award-winning wines, ready for fairgoers. The Courtyard is one of the biggest sources of funds that are used for OCWS scholarships.

Set-up is scheduled each day, from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. on July 9-11. The scheduled tear-down date is Monday, August 19 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

During the shifts, we will not be handling any wines. It is not the same as server shifts and RBS is not required.

Members can sign up for any or all four dates with me at, and lunches and parking will be provided. Please contact me with any questions.

Thank you for making 2024 Always a Good Time at The Courtyard!

Leslie Hodowanec, 2024 Courtyard Set Up/Tear Down Coordinator