
Look for the White Ribbon!

When you are attending Orange County Wine Society functions, look for the white ribbons on the name tags. The white ribbon will be on the member’s name tags if they joined the OCWS within the last few months. We are using the white ribbon  to make it easier for all members to know who is newer. For each event, we will match the attendees to the membership roster and identify the new members. During check-in, these members will be given the white ribbon to adhere to their name tag.  The ribbons are easily removed and will not damage the name tag,

            When you identify a new member by the white ribbon, please take the opportunity to say hi! So often we want to reach out and welcome new members, but we don’t know who they are. This gives us an easy way to identify and welcome them.

            It is always fun to find out why people are interested in the OCWS. Are they Home Winemakers? Have they traveled many places and tasted wines? Do they have a favorite California Winemaker? Does that Winemaker enter our Wine Competition? Did they join during the Fair because we all looked like we enjoyed serving? Or, do they just like to drink wine? Our new members are so varied and interesting. What a wonderful time to learn about them.

Are you a new member who is looking for other new members? The white ribbon  makes it easier for to identify them and form new friendships.

So look for for the white ribbons and introduce yourself!    

Alice Polser- Membership Member Liaison


New Member Mixer

Learn more about wine society The 2023 OC Fair Wine Courtyard volunteers had a wonderful impact that led to a very large increase in our new member memberships. They made it happen—thank you volunteers! We are planning to celebrate new members by inviting them to a free event. At this OCWS event new members can […]

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New Member Mixer

Meet other new members and the OCWS Board of Directors as well as learn more about what the Orange County Wine Society has to offer at the New Member Mixer 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 25. Note: This is an invite-only event. This free event is restricted to new members who joined on or […]

This article is only available to members. Please LOGIN HERE to access this article.

Have I Ordered that Event Yet? My Account Page

We are finding that members sometimes duplicate their sign-ups for an event. When they get the newsletter announcement, they find a new event that looks like fun and they sign up right away. Then weeks later, when they hear their friends talking about that same wine tasting event, forgetting that they or their membership partner have already signed up, they sign up again. A good practice before signing up for any event is to scan the “My Account” page. This page is accessed from the main menu and has lots of good information about your membership. Near the bottom of the page is an area called “Recent Orders.” A quick scan here shows all the OCWS events already purchased. If it is not there, sign up within the “Events” area of the website before all the seats are taken.

All membership type selections are viewable after you have logged into your account. For example, events are for members only, to sign themselves and their guests up for our wine tastings offerings.

Other good information is listed here and can be performed from “My Account” page.

  • Changing your password
  • Viewing your membership status
  • Using the renewal button to keep your membership current
  • Seeing, if you have earned a coupon. Your code and amount are listed under the Store Credit area on this page.
  • Accessing your Profile page by selecting the “Account Details” button near the top of the page
  • It’s also a good place to make sure your address information is correct and up to date

I hope this has helped you get more familiar with our website.

– Wendy Taylor, OCWS WebMaster


Membership Expiration Date Extension

As everyone is aware, due to COVID-19, the OCWS has been restricted from hosting any in-person membership events since our February monthly meeting. While we have adapted to hosting weekly wine education seminars virtually during the summer months and will continue to do so going into the fall and winter, the Board understands and appreciates […]

This article is only available to members. Please LOGIN HERE to access this article.

New Member Promotion

COVID-19 has sidelined us, to say the least. The virus made us hunker down and forced us to find creative ways to virtually stay social. Various virtual OCWS wine seminars have taken place and will continue throughout the year for members to sign up and enjoy from the comfort of their own homes. This being the case, we thought we would reach out to our members with a promotional opportunity to invite your friends to get in on our exciting virtual opportunities by becoming members of the OCWS. 

Do you have a friend or two or even three who has expressed an interest in wine? Even without the 2020 OC Fair taking place this year, we are running a membership promotion.

If your friend joins as a new member (former members are excluded), they will receive a $15 credit per member ($15 for a single membership, $30 for a dual membership) that they can use to attend any event prior to July 1, 2021. Shoot, that makes joining almost cost free! The credit cannot be used to purchase merchandise or for membership renewal fees.

So talk it up among your wine loving friends—knowing you, they know how much fun it is being a member of the OCWS. You all know how much fun this club is. New members can sign up through our website at

– Brian McDonald,
Director & Membership Chair


Membership: Important Notice to All OCWS Members

The OCWS Board of Directors hopes this message finds you in good health, in good spirits and secure during this unprecedented time in our lives. We appreciate your support as we navigate the ongoing challenges presented by the COVID-19 outbreak and its effect on our operations.

All OCWS events in the recent months and in the months ahead have been cancelled due to the California Governor’s “stay-at-home” order. We will resume our events when they can be held in a safe environment for our members and in accordance with local, state and federal directives and guidelines. Our top priority remains the well-being and safety of all our members.

Since all OCWS events have been suspended, the Board has approved extending every member’s expiration date by four months. If you have already paid your dues, we are sorry but there will be no refunds; however, your expiration date will still be advanced by four months.

If you have any questions, please direct them to the OCWS Membership Chair, Brian McDonald, at or by phone at 714.227.7284.

Stay safe everyone!

– Brian McDonald, Director and Membership Chair


New Member Promotion

Join the Orange County Wine Society between July 12 and August 31 and receive a $15 coupon that can be used for any OCWS event (except membership renewal and merchandise). The coupons are valid until July 15, 2019. That means a $40 single membership really costs only $25 and a $60 dual membership only costs $30.  Such a deal! Tell a friend, tell two friends.

– Brian McDonald, Membership Chair



Between July 14 and August 31, OCWS will again be running a membership promotion.  Each person joining during that period will receive a $15 coupon which can be used for any OCWS event except the purchase of merchandise and membership dues (that’s one $15 coupon for a single membership and two $15 coupons for a dual membership).  The coupon will be automatically added to the new member’s on line account but will expire July 15, 2018.  This promotion is available to anyone who has not previously been a member of OCWS.

If you have friends who have expressed in interest in the Wine Society or you think may have an interest in the Wine Society, this is a great time for them to join.  Please share this opportunity with them.



Special Membership Promotion: Invite Your Friends to Join

If you have any friends thinking about joining the Wine Society, invite them to join now! For applications received between July 15 and August 31, new members will receive a $15 coupon good through July 15, 2017 for any OCWS event (merchandise and membership renewal excluded). That’s $15 for a single membership and $30 for […]

This article is only available to members. Please LOGIN HERE to access this article.