Winemaker Newsroom

Quarterly Potluck:

The next winemakers’ quarterly meeting and potluck will be 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 6. Signups are now open on the OCWS website. The South County beach location will be announced one week prior to the event. Cost is $5 per person to cover supplies. All OCWS members are welcome, you don’t have to be a winemaker to attend.

Each attendee, or couple, is asked to bring a potluck dish (appetizer, salad, side dish, or dessert) ready to serve a small portion to eight people. Please bring any serving utensils necessary for your dish and a bottle of wine per person (homemade or commercial) to share. Plates, napkins and tableware will be furnished.

We’re hoping to taste many of the award-winning wines from the OC Fair Home Wine Competition.  Many of our talented winemakers earned double gold and other awards. For new and aspiring winemakers, this is your chance to meet, mingle and learn from our experienced winemakers. We will also have a short meeting to review the Home Wine Competition and announce upcoming events.

Winemakers, did you get grapes last autumn or are you processing wines from earlier vintages? Make sure they stay protected from wine-damaging organisms. Our SO2 testing team led by Mike Paz will be conducting tests for your wines 10 a.m. to noon on the same day and location prior to the potluck meeting.

Please email Mike by July 1 at: with the number of tests you will need.  It is important we know ahead of time how many tests will be done so we can purchase supplies prior and have them on hand. The testing fee is $5 per sample. Bring a 100ml sample of each wine, enough to test twice in case the test needs to be repeated.

Attendance at this event is extremely limited so sign up now! Volunteers are needed to help set up prior and help clean up after the event. You can sign up to help when you register to attend the event.  Contact Ed Reyes, at if you have questions.

Ed Reyes,