LAST CALL for OCWS Board Candidates Deadline is August 23rd

Interested in Getting More Involved with OCWS?  How about a run for the OCWS Board of Directors?  

If you know the OCWS, are a seasoned volunteer, and are dedicated to its mission of promoting the knowledge of winemaking, viticulture, and wine appreciation, then you may be a suitable candi­date to help lead the OCWS!

OCWS has a nine-member Board of Directors which oversees the organization’s operations, with three members’ terms ending each year. The organization is currently looking for intelligent, innovative, open-minded, problem-solving, and results-oriented people to assume leadership roles in the group. If you are such a person, it’s that time of year to consider stepping up to help lead the way.

The three vacated positions are filled each year by a vote of the OCWS membership, following the Annual Business Meeting. This year the meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on Friday, September 6, 2024 and the election will take place shortly after. The board term officially begins in October.

The overall time commitment for a member of the Board varies, based upon assignments and participation. In addition to monthly board meetings, board members are assigned events and administrative positions based on their skills and interest.

A candidate, ideally, should possess some or all of the following skills:

  • General knowledge of the OCWS events and activities
  • Prior experience as a volunteer (preferably with experience on a committee
  • The ability and time to help organize events throughout the year
  • Event, people, and budget management skills
    Be a member in good standing  

To declare candidacy for a position on the Board of Directors, a candidate must present a Declaration of Candidacy, in writing, by mail or via electronic media to the Election Chair no later than 14 calendar days prior to the scheduled Annual Business Meeting (Friday, August 23, 2024).

A written Statement of Qualifications is required to be presented to the Election Committee no later than five calendar days after receipt by the Election Chair of a Declaration of Candidacy (Wednesday, August 28, 2024 or sooner depending on date Declaration is submitted). Statements of Qualifications will be posted on the OCWS website, and declared candidates will have an opportunity to address the attending membership during the Annual Business Meeting.

The OCWS continues to thrive thanks in great part to the leadership of the organization over the last 48 years. If helping lead this amazing group is of interest to you, please considered joining the OCWS Board of Directors.

For more information and to submit your Declaration of Candidacy and Statement of Qualifications, please email OCWS Election Committee Chair, Greg Hagadorn, at